Microsoft throws open the doors for Cloud Foundry on Azure

From InfoWorld: Cloud Foundry, the open source PaaS that's become a major part of IBM's Bluemix offering, is now showing up in an unlikely place: Microsoft Azure.

In a blog post released earlier today, Ning Kuang, senior program manager for Microsoft Azure, provided word of the first public preview of Cloud Foundry on Azure.

Setting up Cloud Foundry instances can be done either manually or with an Azure Resource Manager template. The actual deployment can be done via Cloud Foundry's open source Bosh project, now with Azure support courtesy of Microsoft. Microsoft's plan is to have all the code needed to support Cloud Foundry on Azure submitted upstream "in a few months prior to GA."

When Azure support for Cloud Foundry was originally announced, it went hand-in-hand with announcements for a few other PaaS offerings: Jelastic and Apprenda. Both of those, however, are commercial solutions; Cloud Foundry is an entirely open source effort.

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