Apple Granted Injunction to Prevent Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Sales in Australia

From DailyTech: When it comes to protecting its intellectual property, Apple has recently been on the warpath. Unfortunately for Samsung, it has been on the receiving end of a barrage of legal challenges from Apple. Samsung’s Galaxy Tab 10.1 has already been kicked out of Germany (Europe’s third largest tablet market), and now Apple has won an injunction against the Galaxy Tab 10.1 in Australia.

The Sydney Morning Herald reports that Apple was granted an injunction against Samsung with regards to its Galaxy Tab 10.1. Samsung had previously stated that it would not introduce the Galaxy Tab 10.1 in Australia until the judge’s ruling was handed down; now it appears that the Galaxy Tab 10.1 will likely never legally see the light of day in the country for "slavishly" copying Apple's iPad.

Samsung had made a last ditch effort to appease Apple by offering to remove two offending touch-related features from the Galaxy Tab 10.1, leaving just one touch-related patent in dispute – Apple soundly rejected that offer.

Not surprisingly, Samsung isn't too happy with the court's decision and says that it is seeking additional legal advice. "Samsung will continue its legal proceeding against Apple's claim in order to ensure our innovative products remain available to consumers," the company said in a statement. "This is a part of our ongoing legal proceeding against Apple's claim."

Samsung also makes note of the wireless technology patents that it holds and claims Apple is infringing upon. "Our wireless standard patents are essential for mobile business,” Samsung added. “We will continue to legally assert our intellectual property rights against those who violate Samsung's patents and free ride on our technology."

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