So Long Privacy: Apple Bans Apps, Music for Customers Who Opt Out of Tracking

From DailyTech: Apple recently has come under fire for engaging in a campaign of moralistic censorship when it comes to the applications it allows on its mobile devices. That campaign is perhaps made more ironic by Apple's iconic 1984 commercial, in which it depicted itself as the face of freedom, taking down Big Brother. Now with a new announcement that it will be watching its device owners' every move, it seems unlikely that the accusation that it has become Big Brother will go away anytime soon.

The news that Apple would be collecting the "precise" "real-time geographic location" of its users' iPhones, iPads and computers was announced this week via the rollout of the company's new privacy policy.

Customers have the "option" to opt in, but Apple is reportedly punishing those who decline to accept the checkbox sort of privacy agreement. According to the LA Times, "Until they agree, they cannot download anything through the [iTunes] store."

That means no apps, music, or iBooks (from Apple) for those who opt out.

The company says there's no harm in letting it follow your every move. It says it will largely use the information for internal purpose such as MobileMe, the "Find My iPhone" app, and targeted advertising. It will also share the info with third-party app-makers who are looking to create location aware apps like social networking services or tweets.

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