Blackberry delves deeper into security with AtHoc purchase

From InfoWorld: BlackBerry continues to shift its focus from selling mobile phones to securing them -- as well as other portable devices, and increasingly connected items that are part of the Internet of things.

"All of our investments and acquisitions go to one thing, to make the most secure mobile platform that the industry has to offer," said John Chen, BlackBerry executive chairman and CEO, kicking off a morning of presentations at the company-sponsored BlackBerry Security Summit, held Thursday in New York.

BlackBerry still sells handsets, but, to judge from the day's presentations, it clearly sees a brighter future now in enterprise mobile security, where it can best leverage its remaining strengths in the market.

On Wednesday, the company announced it is planning to purchase the Waterloo, Ontario-based AtHoc, which provides a software platform for sending out alert messages to smart phones and other digital devices.

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