Facebook gives Internet.org a makeover

From ComputerWorld: Facebook is giving its worldwide Internet connection project, Internet.org, a makeover that includes more security and granular control, along with a new name.

On Thursday, Internet.org's name became Free Basics by Facebook. The name change is consistent across the app and the mobile website.

"We're making this change to better distinguish the Internet.org initiative from the programs and services we're providing, including Free Basics," the company said in a blog post. "Anyone currently using the app will be able to continue using the Android app, though it will now be called Free Basics by Facebook in Google Play."

A little more than two years ago, Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that he was starting a global initiative to bring Internet connectivity to the two-thirds of the world's population, or about 5 billion people, that doesn't have access.

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