Google releases public beta version of the Google app

From PC World: If you love to live on the bleeding edge, then you’ll want to grab the new, beta edition of the Google app.

Google didn’t offer any details about what new goodies are coming, but you’ll eventually get to experiment with features before they go mainstream. To jump on board, go to the Google app beta page and sign up to be a tester.

Unlike other beta programs, you don’t need to download a separate app after you sign up. Google says you’ll get an invisible update to the latest edition.

My phone saw the Google app jump to version 5.4 from 5.3, but there’s nothing new and exciting yet. Presumably Google will wait a while to get enough testers on board before sending out new features. If the app gets too wonky, you can leave by uninstalling it and then getting the stable edition through the Play Store.

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