Dell steps up analytics push with Statistica 13, new vertical services

From InfoWorld: Dell got a jump-start in the world of analytics software when it acquired StatSoft early last year, and on Tuesday it forged further ahead into the space with a new Statistica release and a variety of industry-specific services.

Announced at the company's Dell World conference taking place in Austin, Texas, this week, Statistica 13 updates the company's advanced analytics software platform with several key new capabilities. First and foremost is native distributed analytics, a feature that allows users to run analytics directly in the database where data resides.

"Usually people dip data out of the database or Hadoop cluster and bring it back to a smaller server or desktop for analysis there," said John Thompson, general manager for advanced analytics with Dell Software. "This allows you to take your analytical models to the data."

Users can build models and export them into different languages, including C, SQL or Java, Thompson explained. Then, they can transport them into the data environment of their choice.

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