Oracle hops on the bandwagon to dump Java browser plug-in

From InfoWorld: With browser plug-ins going the way of the dinosaur, Oracle plans to deprecate its Java browser plug-in in Java Development Kit 9, which is due in March 2017. The technology will then be completely removed from Oracle JDK and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) in a future release of Java Standard Edition.

Oracle is encouraging developers to migrate Java Applets, which depend on a plug-in, to the plug-in free Java Web Start technology. In a blog post this week, Oracle's Dalibor Topic noted this move away from plug-ins. "By late 2015, many browser vendors have either removed or announced timelines for the removal of standards-based plug-in support, eliminating the ability to embed Flash, Silverlight, Java, and other plug-in based technologies," he said.

Plug-ins in general have become less in vogue, with security issues and the rise of standards-based HTML5 technologies bringing about their demise. The Java browser plug-in in particular has had security issues.

Included in the JRE since 2001, Java Web Start provides an application deployment technology for launching full-featured applications with a single click from within a browser. Applications such as a spreadsheet or Internet chat client can be downloaded and launched without "complicated" installation procedures, Topic said. If an application is not present on the user's computer, Java Web Start will download the necessary files and cache them.

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