Ballmer Plays Downplays Role of Windows 7 on Increased PC Sales

From DailyTech: Microsoft and much of the technology world is preparing for the October 22 launch of Windows 7. The operating system is perhaps the most important that Microsoft has ever offered with it replacing Vista, one of the most maligned OS'.

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer played down the roll that he and Microsoft expect Windows 7 to have in increasing PC sales when it launched.

Ballmer said, "There will be a surge of PCs but it will probably not be huge." Ballmer is trying to temper expectations for Windows 7 at the same time he and Microsoft's marketing arm are in overdrive to promote the new OS. Microsoft went so far as to offer a 90-day trial of Windows 7 to enterprise users to help woo them to upgrade from Vista or XP.

The question of whether or not businesses will quickly adopt Windows 7 or wait has varied answers. Ballmer feels that some businesses will upgrade quickly, while others will wait until later in 2010 when the economy is hopefully improved.

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