Hulu Adds Warner Music Videos, Concerts

From DailyTech: Warner Music Group has become the second major record label to sign with online video site Hulu, signaling the popular site's continued growth among copyright holders.

Warner currently has Warner Bros. Records, Rhino Records and Atlantic Records as part of its business -- providing even more content to Hulu.

The site is best known for full-length movies and TV episodes, but last month signed a music video distribution with EMI Music.

"We're pleased to be working with Hulu as we expand our premium ad-supported video strategy to provide our artists with a customized and flexible approach to marketing and monetizing their music," said Michael Nash, Warner Music executive VP, in a statement.

Music labels have been more willing to work with Hulu over YouTube since Hulu provides copyrighted and professional content only. YouTube is available only in the United States, however, which limits the number of viewers that can view content offered by record labels.

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