Chinese site criticizes investor for Google support

From CNET In an unusual move, the Alibaba Group of China on Saturday criticized Yahoo, one of its largest shareholders, for siding with Google after a cyberattack on that company.

John Spelich, a spokesman for Alibaba, said executives at the company were angry because Yahoo, which owns 40 percent of the Chinese Internet company, appeared to follow Google in suggesting the Chinese government was behind the cyberattacks.

Alibaba's statement reads: "Alibaba Group has communicated to Yahoo that Yahoo's statement that it is 'aligned' with the position Google took last week was reckless given the lack of facts in evidence. Alibaba doesn't share this view."

On Wednesday, Yahoo issued a statement supporting its Internet rival.

"We condemn any attempts to infiltrate company networks to obtain user information," Yahoo said in its statement. "We stand aligned with Google that these kinds of attacks are deeply disturbing and strongly believe that the violation of user privacy is something that we as Internet pioneers must all oppose."

Yahoo is one of the companies that was targeted in the attacks, according to several people with knowledge of the situation. The company has declined to confirm that it was a victim.

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