Judge Finds Nvidia Guilty of Infringing Certain Rambus Patents

From X-bit Labs: Memory and interconnection technologies designer Rambus has announced that the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) of the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) preliminary found Nvidia guilty of violating three Rambus’ patents as well as several regulatory acts.

Under the initial determination, Nvidia Corp. and other respondents are found in violation of Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930. The ALJ determined that three of Rambus’ five asserted patents are valid, enforceable, and infringed by the respondents. The ALJ also determined that there was no violation of Section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 for the remaining two asserted patents. The action is Investigation Number 337-TA-661.

Any of the parties may request the ITC’s full commission to review the ALJ’s initial determination. If the commission grants a petition for review, it may affirm, modify, reverse, set aside, or remand all or part of the ALJ’s decision in developing the ITC’s final determination.

In June 2008 Rambus accused Nvidia and its partners in infringement of seventeen patents, of which six are to expire in early 2010. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office initially rejected 41 claims in seven patents that Rambus had asserted against Nvidia in June ’09 and additional 8 claims in two patents in July ’09. In November the USPTO also rejected 17 claims arise from three patents, but there are still eight more claims that arise out of two more patents that are being considered by the USPTO.

“Following an extensive hearing process, we are pleased with the ALJ’s determination that three of our patents are valid and infringed. We are obviously disappointed with the result for the other asserted patents and intend to request the Commission’s review of the corresponding portions of the Initial Determination. We will continue to vigorously protect our patented inventions for the benefit of our shareholders and in fairness to our paying licensees,” said Tom Lavelle, senior vice president and general counsel at Rambus.

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