Despite Recession, Game Industry Still Hiring

From PC World: An independent 2009 games sector census reveals marginal growth in U.S. games industry since 2008, while Canada explodes with new development studios and job opportunities.

It's a Christmas miracle, as employment in the North American videogame industry improved slightly in 2009 despite declining sales throughout the latter half of the year.

An industry census report released this month by Game Developer Research indicates that U.S. game development is becoming less dependent on urban hubs like San Francisco and Seattle as many new studios spring up in the wake of significant industry layoffs. Employment is marginally better at the close of 2009 than it was a year earlier, with 44,806 citizens actively working in the videogame industry (44,400 reported active employment in 2008.)

"These fundings mean lots of innovation ahead and continued employment for game industry veterans. We know not all of these companies will last. But the successful ones will create revenues, profits and jobs in the years ahead."

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