Microsoft, Adobe confident there is room for Silverlight, Flash

From InfoWorld: The HTML5 specification could be a game-changer in the rich Internet application realm, but representatives of Microsoft and Adobe Systems, both of which have proprietary plug-ins for Web applications, remained confident Thursday in their companies' Web strategies.

Executives from the two companies served on a panel during a session entitled, "The Web is the Platform," at the Open Source Business Conference (OSBC) in San Francisco. Panelists were asked what would be the roles for their companies with standard technologies such as HTML5 on the horizon for Web presentation and user experience.

Microsoft, for its part, has its own Silverlight plug-in technology and also made a big endorsement of HTML5 this week. "What's unique about Microsoft's position here is we actually provide value across both of these [technologies]," said panelist Brian Goldfarb, Microsoft lead product manager for Web Platform and Tools.

Echoing comments a colleague made earlier this week, Goldfarb stressed there would be a symbiotic relationship between the standard and Microsoft technologies. Plug-ins have provided bleeding-edge technology and driven innovation subsequently codified in standards, Goldfarb said in an interview after the session.

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