Brightcove aims to fill Apple iPad's Flash void with HTML 5

From CNET Brightcove, an online video platform provider, is looking to fill the Apple iPad’s Flash void with HTML 5 video.

The company on Monday announced the Brightcove Experience for HTML5, which allows customers to publish video for devices like Apple’s iPad, iPhone and iPod touch (Brightcove blog, statement, background).

There’s a big scrum over video formats highlighted by the back-and-forth between Apple and Adobe over Flash. Meanwhile, Google is pushing HTML 5 for video. Toss in H.264 as a standard and things can get messy for video publishers.

Brightcove’s latest software allows for device detection and playback of H.264 encoded content and can serve up video in any format needed. Brightcove said it plans to include customization, advertising, analytics and social sharing in future versions of the Brightcove Experience.

Publishers such as Time Inc. and the New York Times are using Brightcove’s HTML5 software to bring their sites to the iPad. Brightcove is hoping that other publishers will follow.

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