Google Supports HTC in Apple Lawsuit

From PC World: Google has defended HTC, which manufacturers the search engine's Nexus One, after Apple accused HTC of infringing 20 of its patents.

"We are not a party to this lawsuit. However, we stand behind our Android operating system and the partners who have helped us to develop it," Google said.

Apple said the patents cover the iPhone user interface and the smartphone's underlying architecture and hardware.

"We can sit by and watch competitors steal our patented inventions or we can do something about it," Apple CEO Steve Jobs said in a statement regarding the lawsuit.

"We think competition is healthy, but competitors should create their own original technology, not steal ours."

While Apple did not name Google in the lawsuit, it did name HTC handsets that run Google's Android mobile OS, including the Nexus One, the TouchPro, Touch Diamond and , along with those that feature the Windows Mobile platform.

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