Report: European Commission Investigating Apple's Flash Ban

From DailyTech: The European Commission is pretty much the last group that a major tech business wants to get investigated by. The EC in May of 2008 fined Microsoft $1.4B USD, in May of 2009 fined Intel $1.45B USD, and most recently last month fined DRAM makers $420M USD.

However, that's exactly the situation Apple has now put itself in, according to a new article in The New York Post. The publication, which was the first to report on the FTC's probe about Apple's blocking of Adobe's Flash on its iPad and iPhone, now reports that the EC has launched a probe into Apple's developer policies.

At issue was Apple's decision to ban tools that ported Flash apps to working iPhone Objective C code. The EC is investigating whether that business practiced harmed competition.

Apple, the European Commission and the FTC declined comment on the possible probe.

For now the only hope of iPhone and iPad owners who are thirsting for the sweet taste of Flash is for rebel hackers to bring it to the platform. Hacker Comex, who makes the Spirit and JailbreakMe tools, has announced an early Flash port called Frash. Somewhat complex installation instructions and a description can be found in this video.

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