Researchers discover first malware to target Google's Android

From InfoWorld: Researchers at Russian security company Kaspersky Lab say they've discovered the first malware program to target Google's Android mobile operating system.

The application masquerades as a media player, according to a Kaspersky blog post. But if it is installed, the rogue application begins secretly sending SMSes (Short Message Service) to a premium rate number presumably belonging to the hackers who created it.

There have been isolated cases of spyware programs that run on the Android platform, an open-source mobile operating system created by Google. But the fake media player application, which Kaspersky dubbed "Trojan-SMS.AndroidOS.FakePlayer.a," is the first one believed to specifically target Android, Kaspersky said.

"Kaspersky Lab recommends that users pay close attention to the services that an application requests access to when it is being installed," the company said. "That includes access to premium rate services that charge to send SMSes and make calls."

The application is simply called "Movie Player," according to Lookout, a company that makes mobile phone security and management software. The malware does apparently warn users they may be charged for SMSes if they install it. The SMSes costs "several dollars," Lookout's blog said.

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