Windows Phone 7 Hits RTM

From DailyTech: Many are expecting big things out of Windows Phone 7, and Microsoft is doing its best to make sure that the launch of its next generation smartphone operating system goes smoothly. Today, Terry Myerson announced on the Windows Team Blog that Windows Phone 7 has been released to manufacturing (RTM).

This means that all of Microsoft's hardware launch partners will have production-ready software to test on their upcoming smartphones. Windows Phone 7's official U.S. retail launch expected to happen this November.

Myerson had this to say about this milestone for Windows Phone 7:

"Windows Phone 7 is the most thoroughly tested mobile platform Microsoft has ever released. We had nearly ten thousand devices running automated tests daily, over a half million hours of active self-hosting use, over three and a half million hours of stress test passes, and eight and a half million hours of fully automated test passes. We’ve had thousands of independent software vendors and early adopters testing our software and giving us great feedback. We are ready."

Microsoft has an uphill battle after Windows Mobile 6.x got smacked around by RIM, Apple, and Google. While Microsoft was once a dominant force in the smartphone market, Windows Mobile 6.x become an also-ran while Google has risen to the top of the ranks in the U.S. smartphone market.

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