Java conflicts brew between Oracle and JCP insiders

From InfoWorld: Oracle's handling of the JCP (Java Community Process) is under fire from some insiders, who do not see a level playing field in Java technology standardization.

The JCP determines which technologies do and do not make it into official Java specifications. Elections to the JCP Executive Committee are taking place this month. Executive committee member Doug Lea has pulled out of seeking another term on the panel and criticized Oracle's handling of the JCP. And JCP participant Stephen Colebourne, a JCP specification leader and Apache Software Foundation member, objects to Oracle's nomination of Hologic to serve on the executive committee. He also has questioned the candidacy of former Yahoo CTO Sam Pullara, wondering whether Pullara is too close to Oracle.

Lea expressed disappointment at the direction of the JCP.

"I believe that the JCP is no longer a credible specification and standards body, and there is no remaining useful role for an independent advocate for the academic and research community on the EC," Lea, a computer science professor at the State University of New York, said in a statement.

While Sun Microsystems had put in rules to ensure the JCP could foster innovation, Oracle has disregarded these rules, according to Lea. The JCP might become just an approval body for Oracle-backed initiatives, Lea warned. Sun had invented Java but was acquired by Oracle early this year.

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