World of Warcraft Cataclysm Launch Smooth So Far

From PC World: Well we made it, we're still here, the servers are operational, the random disconnects were few, the lag wasn't intolerable, and the World of Warcraft will never be the same.

Cataclysm launched worldwide this morning while most of us slept. It was, you have to admit, a trifle anticlimactic. After all, some of the biggest game world changes occurred weeks ago.

That's when Blizzard rebooted Azeroth, wrecking the place and blaming it on a dragon no one's seen yet. Storylines were revamped, new quests added, races and classes overhauled, the earth and heavens rearranged, and the interface refined enough to make several add-ons superfluous.

Last night the final pieces unlocked: Two new playable races, Worgen for Alliance and Goblin for Horde, new high-level zones for characters level 80 to 85, guild achievements and leveling for group advancement, and, best of all, the option to fly your mounts around Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. Yes, that last means the world just got a lot more dangerous for noobs working mainland PvP zones.

It's a minor miracle the turnover went this smoothly. I was sure it wouldn't. After all, Blizzard's web servers bugged out yesterday for four hours, preventing latecomers from logging in to purchase the game. Heck, my guild mates spent the better part of last night's buildup sharing tales of Lich King launch glitches.

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