Chrome Web Apps Scream for Tablets, HTPCs

From PC World: For the better part of this afternoon, I've been gorging on apps from the Chrome Web Store, which went live Tuesday. Yes, I'm easily lured by the prospect of hoarding bubbly little icons that appear on my web browser's home screen.

And yet, I have very little interest in using many of these apps on my laptop, where productivity reigns. My most frequently-used tools and websites - Gmail, Google Reader, WordPress, Pixlr, and so on - were bookmarked long ago. Chances are the Chrome Web Store is only going to slow me down.

But for leisure, Chrome's web apps are killer. Once this blog post is wrapped, I'm headed straight to my home theater PC to install a boatload of video apps, music players and games. (I'll share my favorites before I go.) And the app craze is clearly clouding my better judgement, because if Google was selling a Chrome OS tablet right now, there's a good chance I'd buy one on impulse.

Rather than ramble on about the future of web apps for tablets and TVs, and where Chrome OS might fit in, here's why I'm buying the hype at the moment:

Grooveshark: Free, on-demand streaming music by sometimes legally-questionable means. Listen while you can.

Onion News Network: Judging by the URL, the Onion's web app was actually designed for Google TV. It delivers a steady stream of short mock news clips in full screen, so you can lean back and enjoy a bit of satire

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