Mozilla offers do-not-track tool to thwart ads

From CNET Mozilla, acting on a U.S. Federal Trade Commission proposal, has offered a detailed mechanism by which Firefox and other Web browsers could prevent Web pages from tracking people's online behavior for advertising purposes.

With Mozilla's do-not-track technology, network data packets from the browser would signal to a Web site that a person doesn't wished to be tracked. Then comes the tricky part: getting Web site operators to cooperate.

Mozilla has long had privacy as part of its mission to empower users of the Internet. In practice, privacy remains a broad, thorny problem, however; what one person sees as corporate intrusiveness another can see as a way to offer genuinely relevant ads.

Mozilla doesn't appear to be acting alone. Today, "Google is expected to announced a privacy tool called 'Keep My Opt-Outs' that enables users to permanently opt out of ad -targeting from dozens of companies," The Wall Street Journal reported yesterday, citing an unnamed source.

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