Oracle releases Java mobile development framework

From InfoWorld: Oracle has released a mobile client and associated framework, nearly two years in the making, to help developers quickly build Java applications for industrial mobile devices.

The Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) Mobile Client provides the basics for developing applications that can be deployed across different mobile platforms without customizing the code for each specific platform, said Duncan Mills, Oracle senior director of Fusion product management.

Oracle first announced the mobile client in October 2009, and issued a technical preview in April 2010.

The client, an extension of the Oracle Application Development Framework, is a bundle of different components, including a browser for viewing the application, a small database for storing local data, and a Java runtime engine, for those devices without Java already installed.

The framework for the client uses a standard user interface, one based on JSF (Java Server Faces). It also provides a preconfigured set of ways to synchronize data to and from back-end servers, allowing the developer to specify which data can get synchronized with the databases or other data sources.

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