Nintendo: 400 Thousand 3DS Consoles Sold in First Week in the U.S.

From X-bit Labs: The president of Nintendo of America said that the company managed to sell around 400 thousand Nintendo 3DS game consoles during the first week of sales. The results are more than impressive and its first month of sales - provided that there are no supply constraints - will likely be record breaking as well.

"We are very satisfied with this start and we look forward to the momentum that we will build on Nintendo 3DS with the launch of the E-Shop, the launch of the 3-D trailers for Hollywood movies and the launch of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time in mid-June, as well as the launch of Netflix later on in the summer," Reggie Fils-Aime, the president of Nintendo of America, in an interview with USA Today.

400 thousand units in first week (after launching on the 27th of March) is a large number, especially considering the fact that the company sold around 460 thousand of DS consoles throughout the whole March, according to NPD Group market tracking firm.

"The 3DS launched in the U.S. on 3/27, so seven days of retail sales are included in this months results. The 3DS launch compares quite favorably to that of the best-selling dedicated handheld gaming platform of all time, the Nintendo DS. While the 3DS sold about 100K units less than the DS did in its launch month, we must consider that the DS launched in November and had holiday seasonality and a price differential of about $100. Because of the price differential, the 3DS generated greater revenues than did the DS in its launch month in November 2004. In addition, the 3DS was launched in an environment where there are more devices that can support the portable gaming experience such as tablets and smartphones," said Anita Frazier, an analyst with NPD Group.

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