Samsung: We'll Have 2GHz Dual-Core Smartphones Next Year

From DailyTech: Although it's still early in the game and Samsung hasn't made anything resembling an official announcement, South Korean web portal Daum reports that Samsung has set its sights on doubling the speed of the now ubiquitous 1GHz processor by next year.

"We are planning to release a 2Ghz dual-core CPU-equipped smartphone by next year. This product will have the data processing capacities of a regular PC," an unnamed high-ranking official from Samsung told Daum.

Samsung announced its first 1GHz dual-core processor, dubbed Orion, last September, with plans for it to power mobile devices in 2011. A smartphone with dual 2GHz CPUs will come close to matching the computing power of many desktop PCS, which regularly clock in between 3 and 4GHz, Daum wrote.

The 2GHz dual-core CPUs may also be sold separately to other phone makers. They will likely launch under the new Exynos brand. The first Exynos processor, a 1GHz dual-core variant, will power the Galaxy S II.

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