White iPhone Coming in Weeks, iPhone 5 in Sept, iPhone 6 in Spring 2012

From DailyTech: It's only a few months away from one of the biggest annual smart phone events -- the launch of Apple Inc.'s (AAPL) latest and greatest iPhone. Hopes are riding high and the pressure is on for Apple.

After delivering a fourth generation handset plagued with problems like shatter-prone screens, antenna woes, and proximity sensor issues suffice it to say that its crucial for Apple to deliver solidly this time around. And that's not to mention the increased pressure Apple faces from a soaring Android from Google Inc. (GOOG) and a resurgent Windows smart phone effort from Microsoft Corp. (MSFT).

As is typical, what is rumored to be Apple's game plan for the upcoming release has leaked well in advance of it. While no Gizmodo lost prototype debacle, there's plenty of juicy details to dig into this time around.

First up is a pair of videos from Vietnamese leaks site Tinhtê.vn. The site shows off what looks to be the long delayed white iPhone 4 handset, which it claims to be from Apple. Better yet, the device is sporting what it claims to be a "test build" of iOS 5.

The test build shows a new multitasking menu that shows you visual previews of apps -- similar to the Opera browser's tab preview. The current version of iOS only has icons of running apps in its multitasking menu. Like in the current menu you can click on apps to expand them to fill the screen or click and hold ("long click") them to bring up an option to close them.

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