Sony Offers Welcome Back Customer Appreciation Program for PSN

From DailyTech: The PlayStation Network (PSN) and Qriocity's nearly month-long absence has caused quite a stir in the gaming/music community, but Sony is looking to make it up to players by offering the "Welcome Back" appreciation package.

The PlayStation Network offers online multiplayer gaming and digital media delivery while Qriocity offers a streaming music service as well as e-books and video-on-demand services. On April 20 of this year, both PSN and Qriocity went offline where millions of users' personal information and even credit card numbers were lost in a major security breach. Sony reported the breach on April 26.

For weeks, Sony consumers waited for PSN and Qriocity to return, and it finally did on May 15. But for some, May 15 wasn't soon enough. Frustrated PS3 owners in the UK and around the world started trading in their consoles for Xbox 360's and even changed pre-order titles from PS3 to Xbox 360 versions.

Sony, realizing that it is in hot water with a lot of angry customers, has come up with a solution to reward loyal customers who patiently waited for the network to return. The solution is the "Welcome Back" customer appreciation program, and it is only available to existing registered PlayStation Network and Qriocity users in the U.S. and Canada.

The customer appreciation package allows all PSN customers to select two of the following PS3 games 30 days after the service is fully restored, and can be kept forever: "Dead Nation," "inFAMOUS," "LittleBigPlanet," "Super Stardust HD" and "Wipeout HD + Fury."

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