Facebook Offers New Chat Features Including Skype Video Calling

From DailyTech: Facebook is constantly making changes to its social networking site to stay relevant and continue fending off competition, especially with Google+ on its way. For instance, Facebook changed its messaging system last November that brings texts, chat, e-mails and messages together in one area. Also, the social giant released a facial recognition feature recently that aimed to make photo tagging easier, but ended up causing issues with user privacy.

Now, Facebook is introducing new chat-related features to make conversing with friends and family more convenient.

One new chat feature offers a sidebar much like the chat sidebar you see now, except it lists the people you message most instead of just everyone who is available.

Another new chat feature a multi-person chat that allows you to select certain friends and invite them to a group chat. Friends can be invited to a conversation by going into a regular chat with a person, then selecting "Add Friends to Chat." Also, the conversation's history is available in messages.

Last but not least, Facebook is working with Skype to introduce video calling as a new chat feature. The video calling option is built into chat, where a video call button is located at the top of the chat window. It will be available in over 70 different languages, and will hit Facebook chat over the next few weeks.

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