After Early Post, Firefox 6.0 Launch Goes Official Today

From DailyTech: It's been a little while since we checked in with web browser Mozilla, but a lot has happened in a short time. Faced with a surging Chrome browser from Google Inc., Mozilla has altered its strategy somewhat. Perhaps taking note of Chrome's psychological advantage of a faster release schedule (Chrome 13 sounds very advanced), Mozilla has pushed Firefox towards a shorter release cycle as well adopting a new "Rapid Release" calendar.

Firefox 4 launched March 22, four months behind schedule. Since then Mozilla has kicked things up a notch, releasing Firefox 5.0 on June 21. Now after five betas the company is back at it, almost ready to release Firefox 6.0.

The installation executables for Windows, Mac, and Linux (links) popped up on Saturday, as noted by posters on the Neowin forums. While the installed browser's landed page is still stuck on the beta testing page, a quick look at Help > About Firefox shows that this is indeed the release channel final 6.0 build.

That led some to speculate that Firefox 6.0 might be releasing early. Yet the days slipped by and Mozilla appears to be content to release it on the previously announced date -- Tuesday, August 16. (today).

Since late March, Firefox has been available for the world's most used smart phone operating system Android. Firefox 6 marks another release of desktop and Android browsers side-by-side.

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