Hack N Mod Offers $1,500 to Dev Team that Develops Android Port for HP TouchPad

From DailyTech: Hewlett-Packard announced last week that it is getting rid of its webOS platform, and with that comes the responsibility of unloading all of its remaining TouchPad inventory.

After the announcement on August 18, HP gave its sales partners like Best Buy Comp., Inc., and Staples, Inc. a case payout for the tablets which will allow them to either use the cash to sell the stock at reduced sale prices or return them to HP (though some partners were instructed to sell the TouchPad instead of returning it).

To encourage sales of the TouchPad, HP sent a memo to its affiliates stating that the cost of the tablet would be reduced to its lowest price ever starting Saturday, August 20. The 16GB TouchPad dropped to $99 while the 32GB TouchPad dropped to $149.

These price reductions sparked a frenzy of TouchPad sales over the weekend. But some key issues with owning the TouchPad is that the operating system will likely not see much future work after being dumped by HP, and the app catalog will not see many new titles for the same reason.

Now, with the tablet becoming more popular and widely used, many have expressed interest in an Android Port. To make this a reality, Hack N Mod is holding a contest for Dev teams to develop an Android Port for the HP TouchPad.

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