AMD to Honor Free Game Vouchers After Key Compromise

From PC World: Advanced Micro Devices said Wednesday that activation keys for the game "Dirt 3" that shipped with some of its products were compromised, potentially causing a delay before the vouchers can be redeemed.

AMD said the keys were hosted on a third-party fulfillment agency website called and not on its own site. Codemasters, which publishes Dirt -- a racing game -- was also not involved, the company said.

"We're working closely with everyone to address the situation," the company said in a statement. "AMD will honor all valid game vouchers, but just a heads up, the current situation may result in a short delay before the vouchers can be redeemed."

The activation codes could be used on Steam, an online store where games can be purchased and downloaded.

One user who purchased a Dirt 3 key on eBay expressed frustration on a Steam forum.

"I'm quite broke right now, so I'll be extremely irritated if the Dirt 3 key I bought on Ebay ends up getting removed from my account without any replacement," the user wrote "I saw no reason to assume it was illegal from the seller's profile and it didn't match up with the many other keys I've seen online so far."

The user later wrote that the seller confirmed the key came with the purchase of an AMD video card.

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