Qwikster is No More, DVDs to Remain at Netflix.com

From DailyTech: Qwikster, a subsidiary of Netflix that was created last month, was set to be Netflix's separate DVD-only business. This means an entirely different account with a different website and billing for customers, despite the fact that it is owned and operated by Netflix entirely. It was to offer movies, TV shows and even video games via DVD rental by mail.

The negative reaction to this new business model was abundant, and after less than a month since announcing the Qwikster DVD rental by mail service, Netflix has decided to step back into its old ways. Streaming and DVD by mail content will all be available on Netflix.com once again.

"It is clear that for many of our members, two websites would make things more difficult, so we are going to keep Netflix as one place to go for streaming and DVDs," said Netflix CEO Reed Hastings on the company's blog. "This means no change: one website, one account, one password...in other words, no Qwikster."

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