Sony Ups PlayStation 4 Internal Shipments Projections

From X-bit Labs: Sony Computer Entertainment is reconsidering its internal sales projections for the PlayStation 4 video game console. At present the company is confident that demand for the PlayStation 4 systems will exceed supply. Unfortunately, the company does not share its expectations regarding sales of its next-gen game console.

“Demand may well outstrip supply,” said Andrew House, global head of Sony’s PlayStation videogame business, reports the Wall Street Journal.

Thanks to relatively low launch price of $399, compatibility with older games, promising functionality, lack of user-unfriendly DRM technologies and high performance, Sony PlayStation 4 has been well received by both gamers and professionals. Jack Tretton, head of Sony Computer Entertainment of America, said GameStop Corp. executives had told him the retail chain operator would buy “every single unit” Sony can manufacture if it could.

According to Sony, which cites market researchers, there are currently around one billion of gamers on the planet. The company believes that guarantees success of its next-generation game system. In addition, Sony is confident that core gamers will not migrate from game consoles to smartphones and tablets.

“I think there are more people going from smartphones to tablets to ‘Call of Duty’ than those going from ‘Call of Duty’ to smartphones and tablets. We are clearly betting that the future is very bright for the console,” said Jack Tretton.

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