Nikola delivers its first zero-emission Tre trucks to a drayage company

From CNET: Hey, remember Nikola? You know, the electric semitruck startup that got a totally bonkers valuation and then turned out to be mostly a scam perpetrated by founder and former CEO Trevor Milton, one for which he faced three indictments?

Right -- well, it turns out that the company has continued on, albeit with way less hype, and is, according to an announcement made by the company Friday, now delivering its first Nikola Tre trucks to a company called Total Transportation Services Inc. in Southern California.

Yeah, we're kind of surprised, too, to be honest. TTSI has ordered 100 zero-emission Tre trucks for drayage -- aka short-distance hauling, typically inside of a port -- at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. TTSI's order starts with four trucks, two of which are purely battery-electric, two of which are hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles. The latter technology is one that Nikola initially built its brand on, but it's unclear how far the company got before its big meltdown last year.

Nikola makes some big performance claims for the Tre on its website, including up to 350 miles of range from a 753-kilowatt-hour battery and a sustained output of 645 horsepower. It's not totally clear if the trucks delivered to TTSI have these specs or if these specifications are even available in a vehicle you can buy now, but it's still exciting if true.

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