Europe's Sweeping New Internet Rules Adopted by EU Parliament

From CNET: The EU came one step closer to implementing its overhauled plan to regulate Big Tech and the internet on Tuesday when the European Parliament agreed to adopt the new Digital Services Package.

The package consists of two pieces of legislation: the Digital Services Act, which protects the rights of internet users, and the Digital Markets Act, which is designed to create fair and open competition in the digital realm. Together the pair of laws propose a set of new rules for all digital services, including social media and online market places.

Members of the European Parliament voted overwhelmingly in favor of adopting both laws in a vote on Tuesday morning in Strasbourg, France. The DSA passed with 539 votes in favor (with 54 against and 30 abstentions), and the DMA passed with 589 votes in favor (with 11 against and 31 abstentions). The next step in the lengthy EU legislative process is for both laws to be adopted by the Council of the European Union, after which they are expected to come into effect in the fall.

"10 years ago, a page was turned on 'too big to fail' banks," said Commissioner for the Internal Market Thierry Breton in a statement. "Now -- with DSA and DMA -- we're turning the page on 'too big to care' platforms."

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