EU Looks Set to Investigate Microsoft's Activision Blizzard Deal

From PC Mag: Microsoft looks set to suffer a second in-depth investigation into its deal to acquire Activision Blizzard.

The $68.7 billion deal has competition commissions concerned around the world, with the UK already undertaking an in-depth investigation. As Politico reports, the European Commission (EC) gave Microsoft until midnight last night to "submit commitments" which would placate the conerns it had over the deal. According to people familiar with the matter, Microsoft submitted no such commitments.

The European Union's competition department now has until Nov. 8 to announce a Phase 2 investigation into the deal. No comment has been made by the EC regarding the deadline passing or the potential for an in-depth investigation being triggered. A Microsoft spokesperson simply said the company is "continuing to work with the European Commission on next steps and to address any valid marketplace concerns."

Microsoft has been trying to calm fears over what the deal would mean for the accessibility of games on rival platforms. This week Xbox boss Phil Spencer committed to releasing new Call of Duty games on PlayStation for as long as Sony releases new consoles.

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