Patreon’s long-awaited video hosting feature is finally rolling out to creators

From The Verge: Patreon is officially launching its own video hosting feature, nearly a year after it was first teased.

The update marks a major shift in how creators on Patreon can share video content with fans. Previously, creators had to upload videos to third-party platforms like YouTube and Vimeo and then embed video players or share links with subscribers. Uploading to a third-party app had its wrinkles, however, like videos being shared outside of paying subscribers.

The native and ad-free Patreon player allows creators to upload their content directly to the platform, select thumbnails for their videos, and view audience data like view count. Creators will also be able to select who can view the video without worrying whether links will be shared outside of subscribers. The player has been in beta with a select group of creators and, beginning today, will be available to all creators on the pro and premium plans.

“[This vision] is really about giving creators a more direct connection with their fans,” Julian Gutman, chief product officer at Patreon, says. “Giving them the content and community tools to really create a new model that’s ad-free, that’s algorithm-free, where they have this direct relationship.”

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