As the EU embraces cell phone calls on planes, could the US be next?

From ComputerWorld: European travelers will soon be able to chat it up over their 5G-enabled mobile devices on airplanes without fear of hearing, “Please place your phone in Airplane Mode” from a flight attendant.

A ruling by the European Commission will allow airlines to provide 5G voice calling and high-speed connectivity to the internet in 2023; the decision was quickly heralded as a business opportunity for European companies.

“The sky is no longer a limit when it comes to possibilities offered by super-fast, high-capacity connectivity,” Thierry Breton, Eurppean commissioner for the internal market, said in a statement.

The ruling prompted questions about when US airlines might allow 5G connectivity on board their commercial aircraft for voice calls and entertainment.

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) does not prohibit the use of personal electronic devices (including cell phones) on planes. Instead, the US Federal Communication Commission (FCC) leaves the decision up to individual airlines.

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