China's First ChatGPT Rival Crashes a Few Hours After Launching

From PC Mag: China's first competitor to ChatGPT launched publicly yesterday, but within a few hours it had crashed.

As Reuters reports(Opens in a new window), a team working at the NLP Lab at Fudan University developed the conversational language model known as MOSS. It's described as being able to perform "various natural language tasks including question answering, generating text, summarizing text, generating code, etc." In other words, it's another ChatGPT.

Following the launch yesterday, MOSS went viral on China's social media networks and saw state media refer to it as the first Chinese rival to ChatGPT. The instant popularity proved too much for MOSS to handle, though, and its servers crashed under the load.

The development team apologized, saying, "Our computing resources were not enough to support such large traffic and as an academic group we do not have sufficient engineering experience, creating a very bad experience and first impression on everyone, and we hereby express our heartfelt apologies to everyone."

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