Google Pays Apple $15,000 For Hacking Chrome Security

From Forbes: Google has confirmed that a high-severity security vulnerability in the Chrome web browser was found by Apple’s Security Engineering and Architecture team. Moreover, the SEAR team was awarded a bug bounty of $15,000 from Google for the discovery and disclosure. As surprising as it may sound to some readers, Google has paid Apple for effectively hacking Chrome security; and that’s a good thing.

Apple’s SEAR team is tasked with providing the foundation for operating system security across all of the Cupertino-based technology behemoth’s product lines. The security researchers within the SEAR team are best known, of course, for uncovering vulnerabilities within the likes of iOS. If they happen to come across something that relates to a third-party product as part of this ongoing security process, then a responsible disclosure will be made. The news of this particular disclosure came in an August 2 Chrome update announcement confirming 11 security fixes as a result of external contributor vulnerability reports.

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