Can't Afford Photoshop? Microsoft Paint Finally Gets Layers

From PC Mag: Microsoft Paint is finally getting a basic image-editing feature: the ability to use layers.

“You can now add, remove, and manage layers on the canvas to create richer and more complex digital art,” Microsoft announced Monday.

Layers essentially act as transparent sheets of paper in a digital art program. By configuring the layers, you can stack and remove elements to the overall image you’re creating, making it an invaluable tool in the art-creation process.

The company is adding the feature through a new layers button in the right-hand toolbar. “You can also show or hide and duplicate individual layers or merge layers together,” Microsoft says.

In addition, the Paint program is also getting support for transparency. Hence, blank spaces on your art won’t be saved as a white colored space. Instead, they’ll be transparent, enabling you to place them on background images.

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