Google Drive Files Are Disappearing and Nobody Knows Why

From PC Mag: Some Google Drive users are reporting all their files uploaded since May have disappeared from the cloud storage service without warning.

As Android Police reports, the problems started last week when a South Korean user by the name of Yoenjoong posted on the Google Support forum, explaining, "Hi, my Google Drive files suddenly disappeared. The Drive literally went back to condition in May 2023. data from May until today disappeared, and the folder structure went back to status in May."

The support request goes on to explain that Google Drive isn't showing any activity changes since May, and that no files were deleted manually, there's no files in trash, and no file sharing was setup. The files have simply vanished.

In response, a recommended answer from a volunteer Google Support member includes a quote from Google Support, which states, "Please accept my sincere apologies if I'm unable to join the Google Meet session. I am continuously tracking this case and to be transparent with you we totally agree now that you are not the only customer affected by this behavior."

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