Could AI Become Your New Boss? Amazon Launches Custom Chatbots for Businesses

From PC Mag: Amazon has launched a new business-focused chatbot, dubbed Amazon Q, which promises to be a customizable assistant that can answer questions, generate content, and assist employees with a wide range of job functions.

"Really excited to share with customers Amazon Q—a new type of generative AI-powered assistant that is specifically for work and can be tailored to your business," Amazon CEO Andrew Jassy posted on X.

The company lists a few organizations that are already using it: Accenture, Amazon, BMW Group, Gilead, Mission Cloud, Orbit Irrigation, and Wunderkind.

"If you’re a developer, for example, Amazon Q can assist you in building, deploying, and operating workloads on AWS," Amazon says. "If you’re a contact center agent, it can help you formulate customer responses and respond to queries quickly and accurately."

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