Mario vs. Donkey Kong Review: Dipping Back Into Nostalgia as Switch 2 Looms

From CNET: After a challenging few weeks dipping into wild new virtual worlds in an expensive headset, coming back to a game like Mario vs. Donkey Kong feels as comforting as the blanket I have wrapped around me. Cute little Mario is jumping around as I try to help him solve puzzles and keep that naughty Donkey Kong from getting into trouble. I've been here before. Literally. Nintendo's newest Switch game is a remake of a Game Boy Advance game I played about two decades ago.

Nintendo plays the nostalgia card all the time and is extremely good at it. Mario vs. Donkey Kong is, like Super Mario RPG last fall, or Zelda: Link's Awakening before that, a way of digging up beloved classics and applying expert remastering touches. More than remastering: really, this is an entirely new game that is also the old game. Meaning, the graphics are completely new, and it all feels like it could have been something released now.

Except it isn't, and for $50, it's a lot to pay for what's otherwise an excellent puzzle platformer game. It's also a bit of a conundrum if you're a Nintendo Switch owner right now: where do you want to put your money with rumors of a Nintendo Switch 2 launching sometime this year? An announcement that could be coming as soon as next month.

The Switch 2 should be backward compatible with first-gen Switch games, but will likely offer entirely new and exciting enhanced games with better graphics. Why do I say this in the middle of a review of a Switch game? Because it's time to consider whether you wait to see what's coming if you're interested in upgrading.

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