Facebook's Newest Monetization Experiment: Ads in Your Notifications

From PC Mag: A new advertising test at Facebook is turning the notifications lists of some users into yet another place for ads, as I discovered when I somehow got included in this test.

These paid promotions, listed with a "Sponsored" label amidst my usual notifications, started showing up in my Facebook app on Android about two weeks ago.

The Facebook ad guide, the reference for businesses looking to market to potential customers on the platform, doesn’t mention this ad format. But Facebook and its corporate parent Meta have a history of testing ad options in new places, such as inside Oculus virtual-reality apps.

Advertising remains a fundamental part of the bargain at this free-to-use network, although European users can pay for ad-free service starting at €9.99 a month, an option Meta added to comply with new European Union regulations.

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