Google Offers News Feeds for Any Website

From DailyTech: It's not such a good time to be a website owner, but it's an even worse time to be in print publications. The global economic downturn has left many print magazines and newspapers with significant money issues as advertising funds dry up and production and delivery costs increase.

At the same time, advertising money for some of the smaller websites online is drying up as companies move ads to websites that can deliver more return on their advertising investment. Google has been able to keep growing in the current economy. The search giant is now announcing a new program that it hopes will help bring more profits to websites.

Google announced that it is now offering a new Google News service that allows site owners and developers to integrate its Google News feeds into their websites. The new program uses an online application called NewsShow Wizard to generate custom HTML that can be integrated into a website.

The news headlines that the wizard generates are based on keywords entered into the Google application when generated. Google doesn’t make money from its Google News service directly. However, the hope is that increased traffic from listing the news headlines on more websites will result in more clicks to Google's text ads that are common to most websites online.

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