From Tom's Hardware: Typically, when we think of a computer worm, we immediately think of a normal, code-based virus. If only that were the case. One gentleman's computer had a real, live worm, crawl into his laptop and do some serious damage. The folks at tell the story of Mike Taylor, who recently began having computer troubles related to his laptop's cooling fan. When Mike attempted to investigate the problem through an IT repairman, the two came across perhaps one of the most effective worms we've seen to date. An actual worm had made its way through the cooling vents of the laptop, and up to the fan where it caused a complete cooling failure. The worm itself was found wrapped around the fan, and was then cooked by the heat. The fan never recovered though, which led to Taylor's computer issues. Taylor believes that it was his cats that may have brought the worm in, and subsequently caused it to seek shelter. No matter how the worm actually gained entry, the story is certainly one that Taylor can look forward to telling for years to come. View: Article @ Source Site |