SOUNDPEATS Space Review (Page 4 of 4)

Page 4 - Conclusion

After spending considerable time with the SOUNDPEATS Space headphones, I have come to appreciate several aspects of their design and performance. In terms of physical construction, the headphones are well-built, featuring a combination of hard plastic and pleather exterior with an internal steel band. The lightweight design, coupled with plush memory foam cups and sufficient clamping pressure, ensures comfortable wear. While some users may find the faux leather uncomfortable for extended periods due to heat retention, it does contribute to effective sound isolation. In terms of functionality, the Space headphones offer an intuitive set of controls, including ANC and pass-through modes, which are valuable additions. However, the standout feature is undoubtedly the impressive battery life, with real-world use easily achieving the claimed 123 hours of runtime per charge. When it comes to audio performance, the experience is somewhat mixed. The bass was notably emphasized and well-defined, but the midrange and trebles lacked brightness, resulting in an overall sound that felt somewhat dull and lacking in energy. Additionally, the soundstaging made everything sound somewhat compressed together. Other areas for improvement include the microphone performance and the companion mobile application, which requires users to register before accessing settings. Furthermore, the lack of a carrying case for transportation is a notable omission. At its current price point of around $70, the SOUNDPEATS Space competes favorably with options like the TOZO HT2. There are trade-offs between the two, but the Space stands out for its impressive wireless capabilities. Overall, the SOUNDPEATS Space headphones offer long endurance and plush comfort, making them worth considering for users seeking these qualities.

SOUNDPEATS provided this product to APH Networks for the purpose of evaluation.

APH Networks Review Focus Summary:
7/10 means Great product with many advantages and certain insignificant drawbacks, but should be considered before purchasing.
6/10 means A product with its advantages, but drawbacks should not be ignored before purchasing.
-- Final APH Networks Numeric Rating is 6.8/10
Please note that the APH Networks Numeric Rating system is based off our proprietary guidelines in the Review Focus, and should not be compared to other publications.

The SOUNDPEATS Space Bluetooth headphones shine with their outstanding battery life and comfortable fit, but sound profile would benefit from some added brightness.

Page Index
1. Introduction, Packaging, Specifications
2. Physical Look - Hardware and Software
3. Subjective Audio Analysis
4. Conclusion