Massive Jelly Bean Update Coming to NVIDIA's Shield, $100 GPU Bundle Rebate

From DailyTech: NVIDIA Corp. (NVDA) today announced a "massive" update coming to its Android SHIELD gaming console. In addition to new and improved features, NVIDIA will also be offering a GPU/SHIELD bundled discount that includes a $100 USD rebate on SHIELD and a collection of free "AAA" PC game titles for holiday season bundle buyers.

The Tegra 4-powered SHIELD Android gaming console launched in July 2013 after much early hype. Featuring a pair of analog sticks, X/Y/A/B buttons, start/home/back buttons, and L/R should triggers (buttons), the SHIELD provided the physical controls that smartphone games have struggled to replace. The device features a flip-up 720p (1280x720 pixel) multi-touch display.

Some were skeptical of the device's potential, but in August NVIDIA reported that the console was seeing strong early sales. Senior Director of Investor Relations Chris Evenden told Joystiq in August that sales of the SHIELD -- which was initially U.S. exclusive -- were "great", elaborating, "Everything that we shipped so far has sold out ... we're just starting to ramp production."

In fact, NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang has plugged the SHIELD's international launch as a key difference maker that NVIDIA is hoping will revive its profits, which have sagged amidst a global slowdown in high-end smartphone sales.

Now NVIDIA is looking to accelerate the excitement surrounding SHIELD, launching an Android 4.3 "Jelly Bean" and firmware update. Among the new features added by the latest Jelly Bean release include:

- The ability to transfer *.apk and *.obb app files to the micro SD card to free up device storage

- Actionable in-game notifications

- Performance improvements, making interface faster/smoother

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